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Information on the city of Sozopol

Sozopol - one of the most famous and beautiful antique Bulgarian towns. Its existence goes back to 610 year B.C., when Greeks from the Anatolian cities Milet and Fokea settled here and formed a town named Apolonia Pontika. Within next few centuries Apolonia made an enormous contribution to the interesting history of the West Black Sea coast. The town grew and developed from the trade and Thracians vocations and became trade and commercial center in the southeast Balkan Peninsula. Today Sozopol is a modern and cultural town, worldwide known sea-resort and tourist place, located on the enchantingly beautiful Black Sea coast, only 31 km south of the town of Bourgas where is the biggest port of Bulgaria. Let clarify for all of you who have not yet visited it that Sozopol is conditionally divided into two parts - The Old town keeping many traces of the rich history of the town and The New town. You will immediately notice the romantic atmosphere of the Old town with its over 200 houses dating from the middle of XVIII - beginning of XIX century and mysteriously and sinuous narrow streets. The type of house in The Old town of Sozopol is the typical one you can see across Bulgarian Black-sea coasting - two-storeyed house which foundation and first storey are from stones and adobe walls covered with wooden boards on the second. Sea-facing streets are lined with small restaurants and cafes, ideal for taking in the views while digging into a plate of tasty locally-raised midi (mussels). If you prefer to sunbathe, the beaches of Sozopol offer you the perfect opportunity.The golden sand and warm sea attract hundreds of tourists every year. Six kilometers south of Sozopol . is the resort village complex Dune. Past it, the coast road passes by the Arkutino swamp, a 62 hectare area of floating water lilies, irises and creeping liana vines. A few kilometers further south is the Ropotamo river nature reserve; tour boats routinely ply the verdant-rich lower stretch of the river to the sea. Very near is the famous island of Snakes.

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